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Computer    is   an  electronic   that  can   receive   and   process  data   or   instruction  very  quickly  according  to   the  instruction   provided  by  the   user  and   generate  the  desire  output.   There   are   two  main    component   of   the  computer   these  are   computer  hardware,   which   refers   to   the   physical   parts  that   you    can   touch   and  see  and   touch  it   like  mouse,  keyboard,  monitor,   CPU  and   printers.   Another   is   computer   software   which   are   the   physical   parts   that  you  can   see   but  you  cannot   touch.  These   software   describe   the   program,   that   are   used   to   operate   the   computer  system.
The  computer  hardware  devices  can  be   categories  into  four  types   which   are  input  devices,  processing   devices,  storage  devices  and  output   devices.   The   input  devices  are  the   devices   which  are  used  to  enter   data   in   the  computer  example  mouse,  keyboard, digital camera  and   microphones.
Processing  device  is  the  main  central   device  of  the  computer  system  that  is  used  to  process  data  which  are  displayed  on  the  monitor.  It  is  also  known  as  microprocessor.  It is  the  brain  of  the  computer  because  it  control   all   functions  on  the  computer.
Storage  devices  are  the  devices  which  store  data  permanently  or  temporary to  the    internal  or  external  of  the  computer.  The  examples  of  external  storage  devices  are  flash  disk,  compact  disk (CD)  and  floppy  disk  and  the  examples  of  internal  storage  devices  are  hard disk  and  RAM  Which  is  a  temporary  storage  device.
Output  devices  are  the  devices   of  the  computer  system  which  are   used  to  give   the  display   of  information  in  the   computer.  The   examples   of   output  devices   are  monitors,  printers,  speakers  and   projectors.
Taking   care  your   system   and   a   establish   a   preventive   maintenance  routine  are  critical   to  ensure  that   you  have  reliable  system  that  perform  a   top  efficient   year  after   year.   The    only  way   to   prevent   to  caring   for   your   system   hardware.   These  include  all   factors   that  affects   the   system   as   a  whole.
Computer  maintenance  it  consist  of    PC   assembly,  software   installation,  troubleshooting,  power   supply   maintenance  and  measuring. 

Computer  background
Some of the theories and ideas that would eventually come together to help make up the modern computer were conceived back in the 19th century.
In the 1830s, Charles babage (an English inventor) invented several mechanical calculating machines. His analytical engine (although never actually built) was designed to perform some of the tasks digital computer perform some to day e.g. for instruction perform calculations and have permanent memory (punched cards would have been used)
Had it been built it would have been huge-covering an area about the size of a football pitch.
In 1840s George Boole devised a system of mathematics which becomes know as Boolean algebra. The system used binary (True/false logical and is central to how computers made decisions. By the end of century analogue computing appeared. Herman Hollerith (a US inventor) patented a calculating machine. It used to punch cards and in 1890 it was used to compute census data.
It was during the 20th century that the major developments leading to our modern computers took place.
In the first quarter of the century Hollerith his tabulating machine company experienced several mergers. In 1924 it was final absorbed into a company which adopted the name international Business Machine corporation (IBM).
The Second World War provided a huge stimulus to computer development. Howard Aiken (an American) led the development of computer to decode messages from the German Enigma machine.
Shortly after the war the Americans built the ENIAC-the most sophisticated computer of it time
In 1947 Bell laboratories in the USA invented the transistor. A few years later the microchip and microprocessor were invented. These could store and manipulate information in a small space.
In 1974 micro instrumentation telemetry systems in New Mexico release the Altair 8800-the first personal computer.
In 1975 the Microsoft Corporation was founded by William H. Gates 111 (bill Gates) and Paul Allen. First version of the BASIC programming language for the MITS Altair. They moved Microsoft to a suburb of their home town of Seattle, Washington in 1979. Two years later they took their first step in diversifying beyond programming language when they released the original IBM PC. Microsoft went on to convince other PC manufactures to license MD-DOS, which made it the defector software standard for PCs.
Microsoft moved into application software, eg.word and excel and extended beyond the PC In 1984 they began to produce application software for the Apple Macintosh.         The 1970s and early 1980s saw the development of ARPA net a long distance computer
network developed by the US Government’s Advanced Research Project Agency and its evolution into the first stage of four computers, another 200 in military and research
Establishments throughout the USA were linked using this network during the 1980 several academic networks had been setup.
The combined with the ARPA net to form the internet.  Computers become progressively smaller, better and cheaper in the 1980s, and by 1992 the computer industry was fastest growing industry in the world.
 1991 saw the end of collaboration between Microsoft and IBM. IBM chose to pursue former joint venture with Microsoft on the OS/2 operating system, while Microsoft chose to evolve its windows operating system delivering window 3.1 in 1992. There was the farthest development of the windows operating system through the 1990s and by the end of the century Microsoft had cornered the lion’s share of the PC software market with window, its desktop application and internet browsers. These computers in a daily life the computer are used in a different are some of the including in education department at home in industrials and in offices.
Some of the functions as a follows:
Airline booking on-line banking insurance claim processing are done using computers.
Money-Automatic Teller machine (ATMs) or debit and credit cards use computers to records transaction.
 Today there are different types of computer such as;
Personal computer, Laptop, Han-held devices, Palmtops and Minicomputer.
Among of this types of computers in my report am going to deals with  personal  computer

Purpose  for  the  study
The   purpose   of   this  is   apply   back  taught   into   more   practice  to  work  on  organization   like  UCC  to  be   an  instructor/ Technical  staff.   Also   it   enable  to  develop  my   skills    and   ability   that   supports   my   professionals  studies  eg. (Computer  Maintenance   and   repairing)  and   prepare   for   responsibilities  for   daily   work  as   technician.   Practical  training  enable  to   have   enough  experience   and  confidence  to  work  at   any   organization   or   to   open  your   owned    company   and   expand    carrier.  Not   only   but   also   practical   training   is   very  important    study   of   computer   technology   whereby   it   transfer    theory    into    practice    and   that   the   way   help  the  student   to   understand    in  deeply    about    information   technology,  also  gives   me  confidence   on   working   to  different   devices   of   computers.
Practical   training  is   important  study  of   computer   technology  whereby  it   transfer   theory   into   practice    and   that   is   the   way  of   helping   student   to  understand  clear  the   subject   into   both   sides  (Theoretically  &  practically).

HAAPA CH!N!==>>>
