Qn2: Network Design Process - Effective Network Planning and Design Overview

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Qn2: Network Design Process - Effective Network Planning and Design
The network planning and design methodology describes a process with nine specific steps and a sequence for those activities. As mentioned it is an engineering life cycle that supports technical initiatives such as Windows migration, IP telephony and wireless design to name a few examples. The methodology begins with examining company business requirements. It is absolutely essential that you understand the company business model, business drivers and how they are growing from a business perspective. That will build the foundation for a design proposal that serves the business, technical and operational requirements of the company.
Step 1: Business Requirements
Any design project starts with an understanding of what the company does and what they need to accomplish from a business perspective. This begins with an understanding of their business model, which really describes how their company works from an operational and business perspective to generate revenues and reduce costs. Many vendors today have conducted their own return on investment (ROI) studies for new implementations such as Unified Communications and Telephony. It is an effective sales tool that illustrates the cost benefits compared with investment over a specified period of time.
This is a list of some typical business drivers:
o Reduce Operating Costs
o Generate Revenue
o Client Satisfaction
o Employee Productivity
This is a list of some typical project business requirements:
o Budget Constraints
o Office Consolidations
o Company Mergers and Acquisitions
o Business Partner Connectivity
o Telecommuter Remote Access
o Implement New Offices and Employees
o New Data Center Applications
o Reduce Network Outage Costs
o Cost Effective Network Management
o Vendor Contracts
Step 2: Design Requirements
Now that you understand the basic business requirements of the company, you can determine the standard and specific design requirements. Standard Design Requirements
o Performance
o Availability
o Scalability
o Standards Compatibility
o Rapid Deployment
Step 3: Network Assessment
A network assessment is conducted after we have finished the business and design requirements of the company. A network assessment provides a quick snapshot of the current network with an examination of the infrastructure, performance, availability, management and security.
Step 4: Infrastructure Selection
After doing an network assessment we are ready to start selecting specific infrastructure components for the network design.
The following numbered list describes the specific infrastructure components and their particular sequence.
1. Enterprise WAN Topology
2. Campus Topology
3. Traffic Model
4. Equipment Selection
5. Circuits
6. Routing Protocol Design
7. Addressing
8. Naming Conventions
9. IOS Services
10. Domain Name Services
11. DHCP Services

Step 5: Security Strategy
We must now define a security strategy for securing the infrastructure. The need for enterprise network security shouldn't be ignored with the proliferation of the Internet. Companies are continuing to leverage the public infrastructure for connecting national and international offices, business partners and new company acquisitions.
Step 6: Network Management Strategy
This section will define a network management strategy for managing all equipment defined from infrastructure and security.
o 7 Management Groups
o SNMP Applications
o Monitored Devices and Events

Step 7: Proof of Concept
All infrastructure, security and management components must now be tested with a proof of concept plan.
1. Prototype Design
2. Provision Equipment
3. Define Tests
4. Build Equipment Scripts
5. Review Test Results

Step 8: Design Proposal⁄Review
With the proof of concept finished, you are now ready to build a design proposal for the design review meeting. Your intended audience could be the Director, CIO, CTO, Senior Network Engineer, Consultant or anyone that is approving a budget for the project. It is important to present your ideas with clarity and professionalism. If a presentation is required, power point slides work well and could be used to support concepts from the design proposal document. The focus is on what comprises a standard design proposal and the sequence for presenting that information.
Step 9: Implementation
The final step will have us defining an implementation process for the specified design. This describes a suggested implementation methodology of the proposed design, which should have minimal disruption to the production network. As well it should be efficient and as cost effective as possible. As with previous methodologies there is a sequence that should be utilized as well.

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